Winterizing your Catio


Ripple the cat poses with a cat version of a snowman.


A Catio for all Seasons

Leave it to Vancouver to be a city where you can go from extreme cold temperatures and snow, to non-stop rain - all in a week! With these rapidly changing conditions, you’re likely wondering how to protect your catio against the elements. Rest assured, your cat can enjoy safe outdoor access year-round by following these five tips to winterize your catio:

  1. Clean your catio. With a warm, damp cloth and non-toxic cleaner, gently wipe down the panels, door and roof. Sweep up any leaves or pine needles and remove any fur from the turfed floor and shelves. Remove snow from the shelves and floor.

  2. Inspect your catio for any damage. Wood can expand in damp weather, so check your door to make sure it’s latching properly. 

  3. Block the wind, rain and snow with a simple cover. An easy DIY method is using a clear shower liner to stretch it around the outside of the panels and attach them with simple hooks to the wire mesh. You can always get in touch if you need some help or would like to discuss other options, like attaching clear polycarbonate panels.

  4. Add hiding spots made of plastic bins, beds and blankets that are protected from the elements and provide your cat with extra warmth. We don’t recommend plugging in space heaters or heating pads as most are not designed for outdoor use and can’t withstand temperature changes. 

  5. Keep your cats entertained by replenishing your bird feeders. Give them a thorough wash and make sure that the feed is fresh and plentiful. 

Following these few simple steps will go a long way in ensuring that your cat is purrfectly cozy in their catio all year long. Thinking of getting a catio this year? Contact us for a complimentary catio consultation!